Kale Square Foot Gardening: Best Practices and Growing Tips

A man planting kale plants in his square foot garden.

Kale, a powerhouse of nutrients and a staple in health-conscious kitchens, thrives remarkably well in the compact, efficient layout of a square foot garden. This gardening method, celebrated for its ability to maximize productivity in minimal space, is an excellent match for kale’s robust growth habits and minimal space requirements. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener …

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Marigolds and Square Foot Gardening | Benefits & How-To Guide

Marigolds strategically interplanted with other plants in a square foot garden.

Integrating marigolds into your square foot garden isn’t just an aesthetic choice; it’s a strategic move that can significantly boost your garden’s health and yield. As you contemplate the layout of your garden, consider the symbiotic relationship between marigolds and your vegetable crops, and leverage this to your garden’s advantage. The Benefits of Marigolds While …

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