How To Use LECA Balls for Hydroponic Growing (for Beginners)

A healthy plant with its roots supported by LECA balls.

LECA balls, with their lightweight and porous nature, offer an excellent medium for plant roots, fostering a healthy and efficient hydroponic system. Before you leap into planting, it’s important to understand the basics of preparing and utilizing these clay pebbles. Using LECA balls correctly will ensure your plants receive plenty of moisture and water, two …

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Using Rockwool in Hydroponics for Fast & Easy Seed Starting

A single seedling growing in a rockwool cube with a light mist falling.

Just as a sturdy foundation is vital for constructing a towering skyscraper, selecting the right medium for seed starting in hydroponics sets the stage for robust plant growth. Rockwool is a popular choice among hydroponic enthusiasts for its remarkable water retention and aeration properties. Preparing rockwool for your seeds isn’t just about soaking it in …

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Full Guide To Using Coco Coir in Your Hydroponics System

A woman placing seedlings in coco coir cups for use in a hydroponic system.

Have you ever wondered why many hydroponics enthusiasts are turning to coco coir as their medium of choice? As you begin your journey to optimize your hydroponic system, understanding the ins and outs of coco coir is critical. This natural, renewable resource not only promises excellent water retention and aeration properties but also poses its …

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How To Grow Hydroponic Lettuce | Step-by-Step Growing Guide

Lettuce growing in a hydroponic setup in front of a window.

The quest for healthy, sustainable, and efficient food production methods has never been more pressing. Enter hydroponics. Plants grown hydroponically flourish in the absence of soil and thrive under the meticulous care of water-based nutrient solutions. Lettuce is an ideal plant for a home hydroponic setup. It is easy to grow, requires little care, and …

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Why Grow Nasturtiums in Your Square Foot Garden (And How)

Nasturtiums blooming in a small garden bed.

Incorporating nasturtiums into your square foot garden enhances its beauty, boosts its productivity, and fortifies its health. These vibrant plants aren’t just a feast for the eyes; they offer edible flowers and leaves that spice up salads and act as a natural pest deterrent, making them a multitasker in your gardening space. However, understanding the …

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Square Foot Gardening Beets | What To Know Before Planting

A bunch of freshly harvested beets on a wooden table.

Growing beets in a square foot garden is a practical and efficient way to enjoy these nutritious root vegetables in your own backyard. This method of gardening, which organizes plants in tightly spaced, square-foot plots, is ideal for maximizing yield in small spaces. Beets, with their compact growth habit, are particularly well-suited to this approach. …

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Square Foot Gardening Radishes | Simple Tips To Boost Harvest

Radishes and other vegetables growing in a square foot garden.

Growing radishes in your square foot garden is like tending a miniature forest where each plant strives for its place under the sun. You’ve got to prepare the soil just right, ensuring it’s loose and fertile for those quick-growing roots. Planting them strategically allows for maximum growth without overcrowding, and a regular watering schedule keeps …

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